Additional Information
Contract Type: Permanent Contract Term: TTO - Term time only Hours per Week: 0.00 Weeks per Year: 0.000 Pay Grade: MPS/UPS + SEN1The Role
SEND Teacher
Are you looking for a great challenge, with fabulous young people who deserve the greatest care and support?
We are seeking a SEND Teacher to join us at WMS in our quest to provide the very best.
Woodeaton Manor School specialises in the education of pupils aged 11 to 16 years with a range of SEND challenges, all of whom have an Education Health and Care Plan. Pupils within the school have a range of learning needs, many of whom have a diagnosis of ASC and associated needs. The school strives for high standards of teaching and learning and is committed to ensuring that all pupils achieve their full potential.
We are looking for a highly effective creative and inspirational classroom practitioner to join Woodeaton Manor School, currently a foundation special school in Oxfordshire. The successful candidate will be a highly skilled teacher of SEND, ideally with successful experience of teaching both the KS2 and KS3 curriculum. They are likely to be primary trained with experience of teaching phonics, literacy, numeracy, and the wider curriculum.
You will be a dedicated, enthusiastic and motivated practitioner to ensure our students develop and reach their full potential.
The successful candidate will:
· Have previous teaching experience and skills of working with children across at least two key stages
· Have experience of working with children with complex special needs including ASD and SLD
· Have QTS status
· Be willing to take responsibility for a class group as their class teacher
· Deliver subject specific lessons to a wider group of pupils across the school
· Be a team player
We can offer you:
· A commitment to support you in developing new skills through a wide range of professional development opportunities and experiences
· The opportunity to make a huge contribution to the education and lives of children who respond very positively to high quality teaching
· A dedicated leadership team committed to supporting our staff
You will offer us:
· A Teacher who is motivated and enthusiastic who has experience of working with children with special needs.
· Your commitment to engaging and inspiring our pupils and the ability to make a real difference to their learning.
· Your flexibility, commitment and excellent interpersonal skills.
Related Documents
Safeguarding Information
The Propeller Academy Trust is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and we expect all staff to share this commitment.
Where the role for which you are applying involves engaging in regulated activity, it is an offence to apply for the role if you are barred from engaging in regulated activity relevant to children.
A copy of the Propeller Academy Trust’s Child Protection Policy and Safeguarding Policy can be accessed via each member schools website.
Woodeaton Manor School
Woodeaton Manor
Emma Mackrell
recruitment@woodeaton.oxo... to Woodeaton Manor School. We are a daytime and residential Foundation Special School that offers a nurturing environment for 84 pupils. All our pupils have an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) and they have social, emotional and mental health difficulties. We are able to offer places for pupils in Key Stages 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Woodeaton Manor caters for a wide range of special educational needs, including the following diagnosed or described conditions:
A large proportion of pupils have mental health issues and require extended support from a range of multi-professional services.
Woodeaton has extended its age limits twice since its re-designation. In 2009 Woodeaton established its Sixth Form provision and in June 2012, Woodeaton lowered the age limit to admit six Key Stage 2 age pupils who are taught in ‘The Nest’. Woodeaton also became a Foundation School on 1st April 2008.
Woodeaton Manor School is the first school in Oxfordshire to be awarded the Quality Care Mark for Looked After Children (LAC) at an Outstanding level (January 2017). This mark demonstrates our school has excellent practice around those children in care and those caring for others.